Appropriate Genre: Application Letter

Travel around the world, and one will come to terms with the idea that you must address specific people in different ways. Walking up to your boss and addressing him/her in the same manner you address your closest friends is simply unacceptable. To approach your parents in the same style you approach your siblings would probably end in a scolding. The same concept is applied to a piece of writing. This is what Kerry Dirk expresses in her article “Navigating Genres”. An author would not address his readers as adults if the intended audience was a group of toddlers. There is a specific manner in which one writes according to the intended audience and the genre of the piece(Dirk p.250). For the sake of the article “Navigating Genres” I will compose a mock application letter for a masters degree in psychology at the University of Southern California.

Esther Osorio

9176 Dartmouth Court

Palermo, Maine 93784



March 28, 2028


Steve Herbert

Graduate Admission Coordinator

3453 Franz Hall



Subject: Application for Master’s Degree in Psychology


Dear Mr. Herbert,

I am writing this letter so as to seek admission for the Master’s Degree Program in Psychology hosted at the University of Southern California. I am currently pursuing a degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Psychopathology and Psychodiagnosis. My tenacity and intense desire in the awareness of the human mind and behavioral issues have framed the my decision in pursuing a career in this field and therefore resulting in my intent to apply for admission to the graduate school for the Master’s Program.

I feel that the program offered at the University of Southern California is best suited to attain my many goals. These goals consist of furthering the awareness in psychodiagnosis and treatment available for those who have been or will be diagnosed as well as to further the development in research for the scientific study in mental disorders. Admission to the Master’s Program will help me further develop relevant skills needed in the Psychology field. I will not only be more credible for the work force, I will gain the experience needed for the specialization in psychopathology and psychodiagnosis. This program provides the groundwork needed to develop my ranking in this field.  My hard work and dedication will enable me to prosper in the field of research for psychopathology.

Although I may not be a trained scholar I welcome the opportunity for me to inform you on how my abilities and virtuosity would be an asset to your program. I will continue to explore my various interests in psychodiagnosis and psychopathology. I intend to continue my education and research in this field of Psychology shall you award me with admission in to the Master’s program.

I look forward to an opening to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and skills. Thank you for considering my application.



Esther Osorio







Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.