Arriving to my now future home! 

Blog post 1: 

Arriving in LondonI had to really tell myself I’m actually here in the UK! First getting on the metro was a struggle to say the least. I should have packed lighter as Dr. J instructed but I did need all my shoes, and my jeans and my shirts. Oh and room for souvenirs, but to say the least dragging a big suitcase through a hectic metro station in London is not a cake walk. But walking through the metro, seeing the buildings, pubs, street venders and people all around us was truly breathtaking. At that point I decided I’m going to move here. Thus after we arrived at the hotel sleep deprived, shaken from the heavy turbulence and ecstatic for the new adventures to come. Already understanding how much travel can bring people together from just a short amount of time, everyone offering to help and love one another is a great feeling and amazing to witness. Walking into the hotel room and setting our luggage down made it very clear and real AGAIN, as if I didn’t get it before, that we had made it. The hotel rooms are beautiful and very modern, with cloudy shower glass you can change with a button and make it clear to energy efficient toilets and lights! Our first night we stepped out on the town and got some drinks at The Anchor which is the oldest pub in London! Apparently Shakespeare even went there for drinks after his creative writing days! The atmosphere is simply mind changing and the air is so clean and refreshing. So far so good, already bonding with our group and moving forward with our adventure!