As Nursing School Winds Down…

As I near the end of nursing school, I feel both excited and apprehensive. I am so ready to be done with the constant stress that nursing school causes, but at the same time, it feels like I will be stepping out of a protective bubble into the real world. As a student, I felt like I could make mistakes, and not have to worry about looking too bad in front of people that matter. Now I feel like I will be expected to know how to perform my duties like a seasoned nurse even without being one in front of my workmates and supervisors.


The NCLEX is of course also weighing heavy on my mind. I know that I have to do so much more preparation to be ready for it. As of right now, if I took it, I may just get lucky and pass it, but those are not odds I am willing to take on. I want to feel fully prepared for it and plan to study intensely for it as soon as I graduate.


Despite all of this stress, I do look back on my first semester and can proudly say that yes, I am concerned about the difficulties of being a nurse, but I do feel like I will in time be a good one once I get over the new nurse hurdles. There were several times throughout my schooling that I did not know if I could honestly say that I could become a good nurse and it does give me a boost of confidence to compare my skills to the lack of skills and lack of confidence I had the first year of nursing school.marian_blog_social-256x300