As the curtain drops.

  1. My blog posts aside from two missing, were all on time. Although it took me a few blogs to get the time zone correct I believe I received a 4. My blogs contained course content as well as other observations.
  2. I made sure to comment almost every time I blogged although I did miss two, I would give myself a 4.
  3. I took the time to integrate the course into all available aspects to the show, I took the time to analyze and make a clear connection between the show and the chapter. I would give myself a 5.
  4. My strengths were being able to connect the show to the chapter. I was able to go through and not only have fun but analyze the chapter in detail. I truly enjoyed the blogs, it helped put the chapter to real life situations.
  5. Aside from missing two blogs I believe I did well. I could have pulled more from previous chapters but overall I did what I was asked.
  6.  It made the homework assignment enjoyable and interesting.
  7. Ironing out the kinks. It took me a few blogs to find how to fix the time zone, knowing it effects the grade it would have been nice to know ahead of time.
  8. Maybe allow students to use whatever chapter they find suitable for that episode. Say there are 12 chapters and 10 episodes. You could let them pick 10 chapters out of the book and they have to apply one chapter to one episode. Allowing them to choose and find their own connection rather than having to pin point specific ones they are told to find. That might be one change, but over all I think the assignment was fine.