Assignment 3


In a letter addressed to California Member of Congress Harold T. “Biz” Johnson, a constituent by the name of Dr. Donald L. Gerber expresses his concern regarding the United States ‘obligatory’ involvement in the war in Vietnam.

1967 Letter to Biz Johnson regarding legislation on the War in Vietnam.

To preface his concern, the United States alongside the United Nations had worked together to eliminate the remainder of communist states still present in parts of the world, specifically Southeast Asia. Because China was the largest adopter of communism, bordering countries had also turned to establish their own communist society, politics and economy. Collective security as a deterrent of communism for the U.N. was the leading premise and principle in the process of dealing with communist countries and thus restoring balance of power in the area. To further facilitate that notion of collective security and containment, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization or SEATO had formed. As explained in a response letter to Gerber, Congressmen Johnson states the overall purpose of what SEATO is attempting to accomplish.

“The purpose of the SEATO treaty is to uphold the principles of individual liberty and the rule of law; To Provide mutual defense against armed attack and internal subversions; and to promote the well being of the peoples of the treaty area, in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Charter.”

Gerber, in his letter to congressman Johnson, specifically claims that the United States has inexplicably been obligated to carry out military presence in Vietnam. However, Gerber fails to realize and understand the larger picture as to what is going on in the instance of containment and collective security. Johnson justifies the presence in Vietnam by explaining that all processes leading up to involvement were “lawful” had been carefully followed by: International Law, The United Nations Charter, the U.S. Constitution and the legislative authority granted to the President. In addition was the support of the past three U.S. presidents (Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson)

Because of the communism gaining traction in the Southeast; preventing aggression fueled by communist ideologies and was the overall reason for U.S. military involvement in Vietnam under SEATO. Rather than a way to conquer another land which was often believed by ill-informed constituents, the explanation to our necessary military presence is to defend social positions so that aggression is subsided and peaceful political talks can be carried out.

Erik Jon Brenner

Student, Cal State Channel Islands