At the end of the road

As I lay in my bed at the Novetel hotel, dreading the task of packing my two suit cases with endless suverniors and pondering about what I should eat my last night here in London. I’m looking back at all the wonderful memories I have created during this trip. Finally seeing things I have only heard about or seen pictures of and really experiencing it for myself. From the “London eye, to seeing the borough market not just with my eyes but with my nose, taking in the smells/scents that make the market what it is and to going to Stonehenge. My days here in London were always filled with thousands of years of history, even though I may have been crying half the time about my feet being sore. The people here in London added even more to my experience, learning that most people my age or older live an hour from London and commute to work every day, to learning how to socialize like a Londoner. As much as we loved their British accents, they loved our American accents twice as much, even more when they found out we were “California girls”.Well all good things must come to an end and this amazing adventure has ran its course. 

Finally on the way to the airport, tired from lugging suit cases up the stairs and down stairs and trying to catch the tub. I finish my second blog on the tube,  and I say many thanks to Dr. J for giving me an unforgettable experience.

So as I check my luggage in and try to change my seat, I do not say goodbye to London but see you soon. 
