Audrianna Moore


Hello group 5! My name is Audrianna, but feel free to call me Anna as it’s faster to type and much easier to spell. ? I’ll be completely honest, I’m a tad terrified of this class because it’s the first time I’ve taken an online course during the summer that is so writing intensive. I am excited about it though and I’m looking forward to working with everyone in our group.

I’ll go ahead and follow in Kam and Rebecca’s footsteps and tell y’all a little about myself!

I’m currently a senior, I transferred into CI last fall and wanted to finish my degree as quickly as possible because I’ve been in school for so long (6 years almost– eek!) and just want to start my professional career already. I busted out some remaining resolve and have managed to finish up a semester early, and thus I graduate next semester. I love CI but I’m so ready to graduate!

I’m a huge nerd, I occupy my free time playing video games with my husband, and the many friends I’ve made over the years in person and online. I’m currently the President for the CI eSports club on campus, and you should definitely check us out if anyone is back on campus next semester, we have a lot of fun tournaments and club meetings if you’re into games! ? My guilty pleasure would probably be my love for takis. They are hotter than the sun sometimes but they’re just too addicting, and I usually end up eating too much until I start to feel sick.

I’ve known my husband for over 12 years, dated for a little over half of that, and have been married for a year and a couple of months. He’s from eastern Canada, and that’s also where I’m currently at for my lovely summer break! We met online and several years later things just clicked. I’ve always been interested in communication (hence why I’m majoring in it) and I’m very much looking forward to using this class to really further my knowledge about mass media and communication. I one day would like to work for a Non-profit focused on using video games to help kids in need, and I’d like to use my knowledge gained during my college career to help older generations rid themselves of the negative views of video games.

I think that I’m starting to ramble on a bit too much so I’ll cut my post here. Once again, I’m looking forward to working with all of you!