Back in the U.S.A

Let me just start by saying that I miss London terribly, I also miss seeing my London Brigade every day.   

London was truly an experience of a lifetime.  I am so thankful and greateful for this opportunity Dr. J presented all 15 of us with.  Not only were we all presented with a wealth of knowledge before we left, but once we got there the learning continued to overflow.  From tours of castles, iconic buildings, bridges and beautiful places.  

Of everything we saw Westminster Abbey was my absolute favorite.  That place left me in such awe.  Every inch of this place was adorned with prominent people of influence, from Charles Dickens to Charles Darwin, kings and queens.  This place is also home to memorable events such as Princess Diana’s funeral, and William and Kate’s wedding.  
We saw so much in London.  Thank goodness for Dr.J he planned everything down to the wire.  We saw everything anyone going to London for the first time would want to see. 

I just cannot express enough how thankful I am for all the people I met on this trip.  We all became so close so quickly and all connected on a level that will forever be unique because of the environment we were in.  

I am forever thankful for this.  Thank you Dr. J, my fellow classmates, and everyone who made this opportunity possible.