Back to Reality

August  3, 2015
101 freeway Los Angeles

     Finally back in the the states after a very long plane ride. Luckily, I was able to sleep for most of the trip. Over the past week I have learned a lot about architecture, culture, and navigating. Before we left Dr. Jenkins taught us how to travel on the underground,  yet actually using the underground proved to be difficult. Although getting lost was part of the experience and it allowed me to see buildings and people that I otherwise  wouldn’t have. I also learned how difficult it is to blend in with a culture. My thinking was that we both spoke English and it would be reletively simple to communicate, but this wasn’t the case.  I found myself struggling to understand some of the residents, but again it was part of the experience. Finally I learned about all of the architecture and history in London, which easy my favorite part. The majority of building were much older and more intricate than the buildings in California. Being able to look at a building and know when it was built and how it was built was pretty amazing. Also I learned that the buildings that were built with red brick were most likely built after a fire because the brick was cheap and they needed to fill the empty space. Furthermore, various buildings were effected by the construction of the underground because the foundations would sink. Overall the trip to London was a great success and I am walking away from this experience with a greater appreciation for cultural  differences, architecture, and navigating a city. Thank you Dr. Jenkins for making it all happen.
