Bad-Ass? More like Dumb-Ass

Another intense episode of survivor, and it was definitely full of plot twists. The most interesting plot twist came from the self pro-claimed “Bad-Ass” Drew from the blue tribe throwing the game in an attempt to kick off a tribal member out of his group. Which of course back fired, making him the next player/  “Dumb-ass” kicked off of survivor.

Most of the diversity in chapter four is reflective on the drama that unfolded in the blue tribe after the thrown immunity challenge.  Almost immediately following the tribes loss, the lines quickly were drawn. Examples of stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination based on external dimensions took place.  John was quick to select Julie from the tribe because she was a female that wasn’t able to contribute as much as the men, additionally her “Loved one” had been kicked off the show in the previous episode. Drew was also quick to pick Kelly because of her experience with the show.

It was when Drew saw himself as a high power distance member of the group and tried to manipulate the other players, the female players began to catch on, recognizing their feminine values; that Drew’s external dimensions and personality were not cohesive with the group that the women of the tribe.

Ultimately, by the end of the tribal council it was clear that the men were strongly divided among themselves and a collectivism between the women of blue tribe took place because they were able to unify to vote Drew off the show. It will be interesting to see if the new found women’s alliance of the blue tribe will stay steady in future episodes.