Being a “Lurker”

Hello everyone and I hope that you are having a fantastic day. Today’s topic is Lurking and those that lurk. For those that might not know what that means, here are some definitions for you.

Google defines it as: (of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something.

Urban Dictionary has it as, spying on people online, while you remain invisible

Wikipedia defines it as: In Internet culture, a lurker is typically a member of an online community or PLN who observes but does not actively participate.

Some people have used the terms: Stalk, creep, creeping, spy and watching or even scanner. All the same, it is one that surfs the web checking in on different pages or communities and does not interact with it. As I do not agree with labeling this as a type of stalking, as that has harmful intent. I find it better to lurk before you speak because sometimes what is on your mind does not fit the community.

The idea of this week’s topic is to become a lurker and scope out some web groups without revealing my identity nor interact within the groups. Well, I will tell you that was not a hard task for me as I am a lurker. I have been lurking for years(maybe forever). I do not stop nor start with the internet; I do it at work, school, heck wherever I can. It is not that I do not want to intervene, it is that I like just to be quiet and listen to what other have to say. For instance, I went to a cosplay workshop biweekly for six months and never spoke to one person other than the person that introduced me to the group, Which I might add only went two other times. I find it easy to be quiet when not called on.

My two favorite places to “Lurk” is a FaceBook Group called (sorry if offended) is “The Phreak Shall Inherit the Earth”, and “Giving F*cks for Therapy.” Both of these support groups were created for different reasons. One is to allow people to say what is on their mind and to give the problem the finger; the other is to show respect for a fallen friend of many and to share memories. At one time, I was active with The Phreak, but it had a different title and different purpose. Originally the group was named “Blayne Punches Cancer in the Face” and it was a support group as he went through his treatment, but in May he lost that battle and the page evolved with its purpose.

As I said before, “I am a Lurker,” no denying it. Sometimes while on Facebook or Twitter I will like, share, repost, tag and even comment from time to time. But most of the time I am in and out with no-one the wiser.

Well as I always was, keep smiling, make someone laugh out load and have a fantastic day.