Better to work hard then to have hard work…

Based on the scores you received on the Organizational Climate Questionnaire on page 190 of the text, what are your strengths and weaknesses regarding establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization?

Providing structure: 20               Building cohesiveness: 21

clarifying norms: 18                     Promoting standards of excellence: 21

For the most part I ranged between the high and high moderate range. The area in which is scored lower to be considered in the high moderate range is in clarifying norms. In part I agree with the results because sometimes I ignore going over the rules all together because I am under the assumption that everybody is in the same page in regards to knowing what is expected of them. I know that when I assume certain things sometimes certain people who need that extra help will fall through the cracks and just attempt to go with the flow. In regards to my strengths I see as promoting standards of excellence, as my strongest one. I find myself to be that person that will go out of their way to make sure that everybody benefits in the same way, and that nobody misses those benefits because they fell short on something.


What strategies for establishing a constructive climate for a group or organization discussed in the text could you employ to improve your skills?

As pointed out in the book, norms need to be developed or established early on. Something that my manager is always saying is that it is better to work hard, initially, then to have hard work down the line. I just need to apply that to how I employ norms within a group setting. I just need to make sure that I don’t oversee them and not to make any assumptions as to where everybody is at.

An important aspect of establishing a constructive climate is giving recognition to others. Is rewarding or praising others something that comes easily for you as a leader? Discuss.

I feel like it depends on the situation and on the person. The task that was completed by the person needs to be worthy of a reward or a praise. You also need to choose wisely, you cant just praise or reward for just about anything, because it could ultimately  loose its value. Which could then  have a negative effect instead of a positive one.