Blog 1- Gloria Gutierrez

Blog #1



Last week we all got a chance to do our “who am I” presentation. We all shared an identity that has affected us in our lives. This was a great way to get to know my classmates. Thank you for allowing me to share a piece of my life with all of you. This allowed me to recognize that although we have our differences in backgrounds and identities we also share certain things in common such as all being transfer students at CI. It also inspired me that many of us want to accomplish so much not only for ourselves but for our families despite the challenges we all have encountered in life. I am looking forward to sharing this semester with each one of you here at CI.


This week’s reading focused on racism in particular white privilege. The article that was I could relate to the most is 6 Things White Parents Can Do to Raise Racially Conscious Children by Bree Ervin. This is a great article that many parents could benefit from including myself it opened my eyes. As much as I try to teach my children about racism and to treat others equally I have been creating the opposite effect. By remaining silent and trying to ignore some of these difficult questions in reality I am consenting for my children to continue the cycle of racism. The second article that I could also relate to is A Mother’s White Privilege by Elizabeth Broadbent. The author explains how a mother of three blonde headed, colored eye children that she never has to worry about her children getting killed, followed in the stores, people being afraid of them..etc. This is just a further confirmation how many of us judge people based on their race, looks, and ethnicity. We quickly jump to conclusion about other not knowing anything about them. This also made me realize that many of the things I encountered growing up still occur to children today and those children are also my daughters. The privilege that others have amongst them due to their ethnic background and some of the struggles they may have encountered and will encounter. Based on these reading I hope that one day racism and inequalities will diminish.