Blog #3 Eng 107

After reading the “Navigating Articles” by Kerry Dirk, I have learned that genre is important when writing certain papers, articles, or letters. Genre incorporates mood and subject to a text and that what is most important for readers to comprehend. “To consider as potential genres such homely discourse as the letter of recommendation, the user manual, the progress report, the ransom note, the lecture, and the white paper, as well as the eulogy, the apologia, the inaugural, the public proceeding, and the sermon, is not to trivialize the study of genres; it is to take seriously the rhetoric in which we are immersed and the situations in which we find ourselves. (155)” (Dirk 254).

Genre Letter

Throughout my four years attending as an undergraduate, I have loved the experience Channel Islands had to offer. I feel like this campus is my home and will be in my heart for the rest of my life. This opportunity to attend Graduate school can lead to many other opportunities into the workforce. I have showed that I have met and have over exceeded the requirements to graduate getting my Bachelor’s Degree with a GPA that clearly speaks for itself. I have also been involved within Student Leadership and Student Life implying that I see myself as a leader and express strong leadership skills. I would also like to thank this reader for the time and effort to read this letter.


Andrew Hauffen

  So this letter was a letter that I have wrote to show the genre I used. I did determine what action I was trying to accomplish which was a letter toward someone to enroll into Graduate School or a Graduate Program. I felt that the purpose of this letter was to put myself out there and to show that I am capable of doing the tasks that I get assigned as a Graduate student. The audience is the person who is in charge of enrolling students into Graduate School. Wting this letter I felt I did have a lot of freedom because I can come from all sorts of angles to introduce myself and selling myself as this student who is capable. The location affects the genre by reassuring that I am writing to a person who had specific qualities to qualify for this position, reading letters for students that attempt to enter Graduate School and this genre I feel needs to be professional, understandable, and powerful. These genre’s, in my opinion, are used in so many ways.

Works Cited

Dirk, Kerry. “Navigating Genres.” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Ed. Charles Lowe and Pavel Zemliansky. Vol. 1. West Lafayette, IN: Parlor P, 2010. 249-262. Writing Spaces. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.