Blog 3. Social Issues

Hey everyone, so here are some important social issues that I feel quite passionately about. First, sexual harassment and gender equality is a very important social issue that needs to be corrected. I also think the LGBTQ community and their cause is another important social issue, and I believe the hate against their opposition (mainly religious) is a social issue that needs to be focused on as well.

Sexual harassment can occur every day, whether it is in class, dorm rooms, parties and bars, or just walking down the street. I honestly believe it is even strong in college. Many people, guys especially, come to college with the only intention of having sex with as many women as possible. I have seen guys resort to our more brutish and almost animal-like instincts here. Some gentlemen constantly rate and berate women and see them only as a pair of legs and want what is in between them, when there is actually so much more of course especially at college. What I have seen happen is women become so defensive, that it hard to approach someone even on an academic level or as friends. This causes gender discrimination against men as well, like a common thought that “All men are pigs”. In class, some professors may treat people different based on their gender. I have constantly seen male professors pay more attention to women then men. Gender equality obviously goes both ways and requires both men and women to work together to fix issues with gender and sexual harassment.

Another important social issue is the discrimination towards the LGBTQ community. The world is changing quickly, and no matter a person’s religion or sexual preference, LGBTQ people should be accepted. I am not saying a religious person should accept a gay person’s beliefs, but the person should be accepted for who he/she/transgender is. Discrimination of any sort is negative.

On the flip side of this issue, with the changing times many religious people are being discriminated against because they are religious. People should be able to believe in whatever they want to, and they should not be berated for their beliefs. Many people who support the LGBTQ or are part of the LGBTQ community instantly cast hate upon religious people because they do not accept the LGBTQ communities beliefs. Like I previously stated, discrimination of any sort is negative and not healthy socially to any community. People fear what they do not understand, and this completely goes both way for the LGBTQ community and the people who oppose their lifestyle. I believe the hate against religious people for the way they feel about the LGBTQ community is an important social issue that is not focused on as much. My two best friends are gay, but I also have religious friends and am slightly religious myself so I feel like I have seen and heard both sides of the story.

Thank you for reading, and I can’t wait to see what social issues my classmates bring to class.

