Blog #4

Last weeks class started with an activity on Adversity that Julian provided for us. He gave each group a different scenario and we had to discuss how we would respond in that situation.  After that all the groups shared what we discussed and I was happy to hear that we all try to make the best of the situation we find ourselves in. Some shared that they cry but once they come to terms work hard to overcome these obstacles. Hearing the different opinions of the students showed me that we all respond differently to the hurdles in our lives and it can help us for future reference if we ever go through the same obstacles. After this we prepared for our Affirmative Action Debate. We split up into our two groups and wrote out the key points we wanted to make. I think both groups did great pointing out the facts of both the pros and cons of affirmative action. Once we came back from our break we wrote on Post-Its of the important trends from Chapter 8. There were many statistics mostly of minorities which show that they do not really graduate or get degrees. This was a very saddening statistic because when minorities see this it might not motivate them to want to continue their educational career. The final activity we did was talk about the article which was split up in different sections. We gave a summary of the topic then asked a question or two to the group that related back to the article. I enjoy this type of peer learning because I feel like I learn a lot more from peoples opinions and experiences.

In this weeks articles two of them talked about Latinas/os and Hispanics and a lot of the statistics and facts really hit home. One of the facts was; These patterns suggest either poor preparation in high school, a lack of social capital among families who strategically position their children to enter college, or attendance at a high school where college-going is not normative behavior or expected of Latino students.  This fact made me feel so sad because I for one do not think that my high school prepared me enough for college but I did not let that stop me. There was one word that really rung through when it said it wasn’t expected behavior for them to go because we should want all students to go to college no matter their race or background. I can understand that some go through hardships and going to college is sometimes not an option. I did not start off at a four year college I went to a junior college first because during my last year of high school my family and I were losing our house. We did not have the money for me to go to a four year and I was glad that I did not because I feel that junior college really helped for where I am now.

In the other article it talks about Asian Americans and the first quote really confused me. “I think my view of Asians changed…the whole model minority thinking that Asians are always more successful. I held that kind of resentment….Generally, I am much more comfortable around Asians than I used to be. I don’t view them as “others” anymore.” This quote really confused me because I did not understand why she would resent Asians since not all of them are successful. It reminded me of the article we read about White Privilege and how that man did not see all the “privileges” they spoke about. I found this article very interesting especially the part about Asian Americans and affirmative action and the lengths they went to make Asian American studies a class.