Blog 4 Blood is Blood

In the episode Blood is Blood there was a bit of a twist. At first, tribe Hunahpu just laughed about their last tribal meeting because they kicked off Drew. Jon started admitting to everyone what Drew was saying about the tribe. Jon  starts to apologize because he does not want to get sent home. Tribe Coyopa had no idea that Drew got sent home. When they all saw that he was sent home, they were all shocked and said that Drew was one of the stronger members. Then the host decided to change things up and switch the teams up. On tribe Hunahpu it was most of the singles except Josh and Reed. And most of the loved ones are on tribe Coyopa except for Keith because his son, Wes, is on the other tribe. Keith kind of feels left out because everyone has their loved one on the tribe and Jaclyn and Jon are constantly all over each other. Coyopa was very happy because all of the food they have but Dale was was monitoring Missy and Baylor. Baylor told her mom that Dale tried voting her off last time, which caused some tension between Missy ( Baylor’s mom) and Dale. Kelley had to talk to her dad to calm him down and tried telling him it was pointless to make it a big deal because then they will try to vote him off first.

While that was happening tribe Hunahpu was kind of struggling. When they got back to their site, they saw how little food they had- which was only 3 days worth of food. Alec was thinking positive about the whole situation, while Jeremy was upset of who was on his tribe. He almost started acting selfish just like Drew and he thinks Alec will get kicked off because he is the same exact as Drew. They were worried that they would lose the immunity challenge because of the amount of food they had, but they ended up winning anyways.

The new tribe Coyopa worked a little better together, the only problems that were going on were between Baylor and Dale. Other than that not that many people in the tribe were talking about each other behind their backs. But when you looked at how tribe Hunahpu was acting, you could really tell that those people were being selfish and just wanted to win the competition already and they would just pick on someone to talk bad about to get voted off. Once again, things work best when the whole group thinks positive and does not point fingers at people. At the end I was kind of surprised that they kicked Kelley off because she was not the one who was really creating any problems, she was just trying to make “peace” with all the tension between Baylor and her father. That one shocked me the most and I am not really sure if I agree with them.. kind of wish they voted Dale off because of his attitude.