Blog 4 how to compliment girls

I am going to be an aunt for the first time, so this article stuck out to me. I realized that i will always compliment my friends on clothes and accessories. I do this mainly because i have a slight obsession with clothes. I realize that its very surfaced, and even though i have good intentions I want to try and compliment my friends on deeper traits.  Also, when it comes to children i will compliment their sparkly shoes, or princess dress because i feel like its an easy way to connect with little kids. However now i see that by focusing on appearance as a way to connect can create a larger issue. When my sister has her baby I will now think about what i say to my future niece or nephew. I want to compliment their kindness, intelligence, and other traits that mean so much more than physical appearance. Although i will want them to feel beautiful, i think kids need to understand that the important beauty truly comes within.