Blog 4: Refugee Crisis.

Hi there! First off, the links to my sources are posted at the bottom in the order that I brought them up. Here is my entire process for Challenge 3. First I opened up a few tabs and opened the three suggested search engines: Duck Duck Go, Google, and Yahoo. I typed in “Refugee Crisis” in all three and clicked on the “Search” or “Go” buttons in each respective search engine. I first looked into the results from the Duck Duck Go search Engine since I have never heard or used this one before. It is extremely useful if a person is trying to find news articles to use as resources because that is everything it pulls up immediately. I was quickly able to find fantastic sources on New York Times, CNN, and Fox News. 

Quick background on the current refugee crisis. The International Rescue Committee informs that, “More than 300,000 people have fled to Europe over the past year to escape conflict or persecution in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Most have fled the brutal civil war in Syria, now in its fifth year.” The war on terror with Isis has also contributed greatly to the refugees. The problem countries are facing is what should they do with all of the refugees, and how can it be done safely? Many people expect terrorists to hide in cover in refugee groups so that they can attack countries easier.

From Duck Duck Go, I found an article from September 20, 2015 by New York Times titled, “U.S Will Accept More Refugees as Crisis Grows,” authored by Michael Gordon, Alison Smale, and Rick Lyman. The article is about a huge increase in refugees that will be accepted. The usual amount is 70,000, but it will be increased to 100,000. This is a great decision by the U.S government to help people in need. There is plenty of unrest and refugees that need help.

Next I looked at my results from the Yahoo Search Engine. This was useful because there were plenty of videos and pictures that gave me a clear picture of what the current refugee crisis looks like. I chose blog from The titled, “Rand Paul blames Hillary for refugee crisis.” I honestly chose this blog because I found it extremely annoying that people would use a terrible problem to increase their political prowess and to try to garner headlines. Rand Paul is “upset” with Hillary for saying that we would accept refugees. Overall I found it incredibly selfish.

Finally I looked at my results from Google. The 1st page alone gave me so many different possible sources, so I decided to narrow my search. I changed my search to “Refugee Crisis Blogs” and found some fantastic sources. One was from and is a blog about the refugee crisis in Europe. The title is “Refugee crisis in Europe: Aid worker updates” dated on September 6, 2015 by the International Rescue Committee. The article contains info about the current crisis, and provides pictures of the refugees. It also provides tweets from a few people and organizations to help the public understand how severe this crisis is.

Another useful source is from Whitehouse.Gov titled, “What You Need to Know About the Syrian Refugee Crisis and What the U.S is doing to Help” by Tanya Somanader who is the Deputy Director of Digital Content for the Office of Digital Strategy. It is actually a blog on, which I found surprising. This article describes who the U.S is responding, and people can further do for help.

Lastly, I chose another article from New York Times titled “The Refugee Crisis Has Produced One Winner: Organized Crime” by Misha Glenny. It was written on September 20, 2015. The article describes how gangs in Europe are offering a bodyguard service to refugees, for a price of course. It’s incredibly saddening and shocking that people would take advantage of these refugees, but it is also expected.

Overall it was a great learning experience that informed me of all the help the refugees are receiving, as well as the troubles that they go through.

Thanks for reading.
