Blog 5 Make Some Magic Happen (Episode 6)

In this weeks episode, Tribe Hanahpu really messed up. They didn’t think rationally and save the proper amount of food, so they literally had food to last them for a couple of days and the competition still had more than a week to go. They were in desperate need of food so they could last and have energy for the challenges. Their penalty to receive 1 more bag of rice was to give up all of their comfort and tools. Which means the tribe has to practically start from scratch. They were all a bit frustrated giving up all their shelter, but they were really desperate. While that was happening, Tribe Coyopa had some issues with Dale. Dale was still upset/ hurt how they voted his daughter off the tribe. Since his loved one was gone, he thinks he is next off, so he really has to step his game up and become better allies with Jon and Jacklyn. He is confident that he is good enough to stay on the tribe, so Dale tells Jon about the “idol” he has and tries to convince him not to vote him off.

For the immunity challenge the two tribes were competing for a whole BBQ. So the tribes picked who they thought would win ( Baylor VS. Reed). Hanahpu wins this challenge because of Reed and that brought tears to everyone in the tribe because now they actually have more food and wont have to starve. Baylor felt that she let her tribe down and was disappointed in herself, so she gets sent with Nataly to Exile Island. That night after Hanahpu’s feast, it started to storm. Hanahpu had no shelter, so they basically all had to huddle together to stay warm. Julie was crying the whole night because she said she could not handle the rain. People on her own tribe were getting frustrated with her because she did sign up to be on Survivor. The next day when it cleared up, tribe Hanahpu was actually losing at first to Tribe Coyopa; then in the end Hanahpu started listening to each other and picked it up and beat Tribe Coyopa. Once again Coyopa had to vote someone off. Jon and Jaclyn did not really believe Dale about having an idol. So the whole tribe decided to not listen to Dale and voted him off. It almost seemed like Dale was more talk than anything and he was not really honest or loyal with his tribe. In order to be a good leader or be a good member in a tribe you need to be able to listen and speak, not just speak. One needs to be able to take in what everyone thinks or says and ask questions more than just telling what they think or believe. I think Jon and Jaclyn make good leaders because I really think they actually listen to what others think or feel and put their thoughts into consideration.