Blog #6

In last weeks class we had a real-life experience of what it means to be handicapped. Many of us go throughout our days complaining about the simple things in life such as what to eat, wear, and that the day is too hot or too cold. On the other hand, we have individuals that have to struggle on a daily basis just to get around. It was really an eye opener for me when I did the exercise that involved the wheelchair. At first I thought I was just going for a ride and somebody would be pushing me and helping me out. I was in fact experiencing what these folks have to go through and be independent. That’s when it struck me. I was simply spinning the wheel a couple of times but then I got tired. I complained right away. I can get away from this struggle and simply stand up on my two feet and carry along with my life. Other people don’t have that opportunity. We all take our healthy lifestyles for granted and don’t stop to think of what a person that is handicapped has to go through. That is why I think that we should make the presidents of colleges, company CEOs, and any other form of institution that does not support the handicap go through a whole day on a wheelchair so that they get to see the other side of the coin and have a firsthand experience. And maybe after their experiences they can be more supportive of the individual with a disability.


In this week reading Lipstick and Labcoats it talks about how women and being mistreated because they are pursuing careers in a STEM related field. It is not the norm to see women in these types of careers because they are not being represented as much. Women do not have role models from which they can aspire to and look up to. As part of the findings they were classified into four categories. The one that stood out to me the most was “gender is for my parents and grandparents.” After reading the description of it I saw the reason why this expression was used. Simply put, gender is not the same today where men and women take on the traditional roles. Nowadays, we see where women and men share responsibilities equally. Men have to also take care of the kids, do chores around the house, and cook. Its not the norm, but in todays society women are becoming more independent and don’t need the “financial support” from the man because they are being more educated and obtaining higher paying jobs. The man is being exposed to reality and therefore we have to learn to adapt and accept that women can survive on their own. I personally value women because I am surrounded by strong independent women with whom I can see that they have survived and can survive without a man in their lives. We are not following the norm of where the man is the provider and the women the caregiver. We have to learn how to adapt to such changes for the good.