Blog 6

Last week’s class began with a presentation about APA format. Julian gave us examples of how to cite the sources of an APA paper. I found very helpful because I have been wondering if there were any major changes in the new APA book. Now that I have looked over the requirements I hope I do not mess up my citations for my final paper. The activities we did last weeks were good because we keep getting engaged in discussions as a group as well as a whole. I did enjoy being able to share some of my stories with my classmates it gives us a chance to get to know each other a little better and understand how the new material has poked our brains a bit.

This week’s readings talked about disabilities. To be honest these readings were a bit intense simply because it was a lot to read. Nonetheless, it was surprising to read in the article about ableism that although many have become aware of the disabled/special needs but not much has been done to resolve the issues that many still face in a university environment. In the GOA report, it talks about how many institutions lack resources for those who have some type of disability. What struck me was that some people with disabilities sometimes tend to avoid answering the question “do you have any disabilities” because they might not be able to get the attention or resources that they are looking for. The image I chose is this,


I chose this image because sometimes people tend to overlook words and do not realize how bad they sound and let alone the type of stigma that is placed in it. To speak about disabilities creates this barrier, and it might automatically make a person think about not being capable. This negative stigma can create biased beliefs against an individual and sometimes it leads to treating others as less or not taking someone into consideration because they have a different way of expression, creativity, appearance, etc. this image challenges others to view disabilities in a new light. It is about creating awareness for change on the way these unique abilities are seen. This is a call to action, hopefully we are able to see more action in the years to come.