Blog 6, Episode 7: Million Dollar Decision

This weeks episode was a bit shocking! I was not expecting both of the tribes to merge into one big group. I feel like that would be very stressful because you feel more on your own then being part of a tribe. People who did not have their loved ones, started to get frustrated seeing all the couples around them-Julie and Jeremy could not stand Reed and Josh. Jeremy felt that Josh and Reed we becoming leaders of the tribe and there was tension in between the two, so he thought he would be an option to get voted off. So jeremy started to become friends with everyone so they wouldn’t vote him off. While Jeremy was doing that, Josh was doing the same because he felt that people would vote him off too, so it started to get really competitive. Josh wanted to get rid of all the singles that were still there and to keep all the couples. People had promised others that they would have their backs but when they had to start deciding and choosing sides, it started to get really stressful. When the whole tribe starts getting desperate food because they all ran out, they found hidden food in Julie’s bag. While she was tanning on the beach, they all went in her bag and grabbed the hidden stash. They were so pissed at Julie and said she was the most selfish person. So Im pretty sure people changed their minds about wanting to vote off Jeremy and Josh, they all wanted Julie gone. When Julie realized the tension she could not take it and could not take being away from her boyfriend, John, that long; so she decided to quit survivor. I think it was a good thing that she left because she really didn’t do much any way, she was kind of just there. I don’t think quitting necessarily solved the problem of how she acted and how she hid all the food from everyone. Also I think she decided to quit because people realized how selfish she was and knew she was going to just get voted off.