Blog #7

In the the previous class discussion we had a scenario where we were given a star and tearing them off or keeping the ends according to the script that was being read. I thought it was interesting to see how the people on the stars can sometimes be the ones to turn their backs on us if we tell them that we are gay. I personally had a star that had all the pieces together at the end. But it was interesting to see other people tear theirs off. I can imagine what they were thinking as they were tearing off the names of the people whom they trust the most. Also in one of the previous class we had our presentations about the chapters of the books in The Hope in the Unseen. At first I was a bit nervous of giving a presentation in front of the class, but as I kept going I was feeling less and less nervous. I think the more practice I get  the better.


For this weeks reading they were touching basis of the different gender inequalities that still exist between men and women. One of the main ones that was pointed out was the difference of men and women pursuing higher education. One of the most notable examples was how more and more women are pursuing jobs in STEM fields. Whereas before this field was only controlled and dominated by the male individual. It is good to see how women are willing to stand up to this patriarchal world and pursue jobs in a field that is being dominated by masculinity.   Another main idea that was discussed in the reading was the notion of how LGBT students are not being represented well in college institutions. These students feel oppressed because they see it as we only are accepting either males of females in our institutions and no other sex. I think institutions should take an initiative and provide help and other services to make LGBT students feel more welcomed and not feel oppressed to be proud of who they are.

1. Yes we do see more women in STEM field jobs, but how are men reacting to this notion?

2. If LGBT students do no feel welcome in college institutions, is that keeping them from obtaining an education?

3. Will colleges take the initiative  and make LGBT students feel welcomed and accepted and not just writing out propositions that show support for them?