blog #7 Chapter 9

In the episode “Wrinkle In the Plan” the contestants had to phase many challenges and decision making made them rethink about who would be more convenient for them to leave. The contestants in my opinion started realizing that the game would soon come to an end for someone. Problem solving started to show in the group when they divided into two groups to win a challenge which was a lot of food and drinks. In this challenge the groups worked together by pushing the puzzles across the other side. Both groups tried their hardest to win this challenge and I think that Jeremy’s group tried the hardest by problem solving and that is why they won.

The majority vote in the group came up when they had to vote out someone in the end. The group members felt that Jon had the authority rule because he had Kelly by her side and they were a couple that made decisions together and in the end Jon would say what they chose or came up with. I think that Jon and Kelly have the power based on what could happen in the next episode. A question of value was when the group didn’t know if it was worth it to vote out between Jon and Josh. This episode was very intense because I honestly thought that Baylor would be voted out but instead Josh was. I am looking forward to the next survivor episode.