blog #7 chapter 9

In this episode of survivor “Wrinkle in the Plan” The contestants are becoming more and more aware with who the alliances are and tension within the group is rising.  This episode contained a lot of important decisions making within the alliances since people had decide on whether they were going to side with the couples or with the singles.  Another thing that the contestants had to deal with was problem solving in the challenges.  for example, when the two teams had to figure out how to push the puzzle pieces across, they had to figure out how to get it across in the shortest amount of time. That is why I think  that Jeremy’s team won because I felt that they did the best at figuring out how the challenge worked.

I thought this episode also had the contestants doing majority votes since that had to pick within their alliances who they wanted to vote for elimination.  I think that the couple Kelly and Jon had the authority rule since everyone in the tribe felt that they could be the tie breaker in the next elimination. So therefore, it gave them this sense of power as shown during elimination.

It seemed to me that their was a question of value between Jon and Josh since Jon didn’t completely know who to side with and Josh didn’t know if it would be better to go after Jeremy or to just vote out Baylor. Over all I thought this episode contained a lot of drama within the group and certainly made tension a lot more tense. I hope the future episodes have more drama like this one again.