Blog #8. Lurk Part 2

Hey everyone. So I started to notice a few new trends in social media revolving around the refugee crisis. Two hashtags began to arise and come out really strong. One was #One4 which basically stands for two things. One is the phrase “Out of every 4 refugees, One is a child.” This Hashtag is simple, yet it completely conveys a strong sense of reality. To put it in numbers, America wants to bring in 100,000 refugees next year. That would be 25,000 children who have to leave their homes and come into a country on the other side of the world. I mean, I hated moving two towns away when I was a child, I cannot imagine having to move to a different country. The other is for people to say “#One4 Peace or #One4 Love” to describe this refugee crisis. It conveys a thought that sometimes all it takes is one person to do something kind and it can create a chain reaction. The band Imagine Dragons are huge supporters of this thought. If anyone downloads their song “I Was Me” on itunes, there is a donation that goes out to help the refugees. It is another good and simple example of participation culture, and how useful social media is. People are able to connect with bands they like, to help a great cause.

The second hashtag is actually pretty basic. #NoRefugees. Mainly the people who post these hashtags seem to be radical Islam opposers. They post plenty of outrageous thoughts that call people “terrorists” or “Muslim Lovers.” It’s pretty ridiculous. However, I can agree that not all the refugees are going to be good people. Many people also say that America needs to focus on its homeless population, and we should not be worrying about refugees of another country. I can see where they are coming from, however it is our civic duty to help refugees seeking asylum from the Syrian Civil War. There are organizations that will help the homeless population if they seek help, but the homeless population does need to be addressed as well.


Angela #1A #DefundPP‏@angelacarwile

.@LibertyUSA1776 I see their “Convert or die” and raise them…”Meet my hollow point”. DON’T threaten ME! #NoRefugees #IslamIsTheProblemNews about refugee crisis on Twitter

Another, really crazy issue that has begun to arise, is the problem of child brides. I found this article on Facebook, and it really struck me. Syrian girls can be married at young ages, such as 13 or 14 years old. This is well below the age of consent for multiple countries and is basically pedophilia. There are some 13 year old teenage girls that are married to 40 year old guys. It is really creepy and definitely a problematic issue for countries harboring the refugees. They are legally married in their country, but breaking a law in different ones, so how do countries respond? Dutch lawmakers are honoring marriage licenses, but I highly doubt America would. If America did, it would basically be endorsing pedophiles. This article is about a 14 year old who is 9 months pregnant and missing. I really hope they find her, because she is probably in dire need of medical care.


There are two sides to any issue, and as the refugee crisis continues people are beginning to feel stronger towards their ideals. There is a strong sense of separation about this subject, and the refugees are the ones losing the most.
#One4 Peace