Blog 9 Engage #1

Alright, so here is what I accomplished this past week. I finally created a Twitter so that I could cooperate more efficiently and decided to tweet about an article about the refugee crisis. I did this, because I couldn’t really find that article in many places and I wanted to get my idea out there. However, since I am a new Twitter user, I haven’t gotten any replies or retweets or anything unfortunately. Sad day.

I also commented on a Facebook post about that same article. There were so many great ideas about the article and the boy in it. Most of them were praising the child for his emotional intellect and strength. I liked over 10 comments, because they were so great to see people connect over the article, and share such kind words for the child. One person said, “Alison HodgehegWhat an intelligent and articulate young man. He echoes the thoughts of many-to solve this crisis we need to stop the violent war in Syria.” This child explains that he never wanted to leave his country, and that he feels that many of his countrymen and country women feel like that as well. Powerful words coming from a young child. 

I will continue to get more involved with this process. I continue to find that social media is the most powerful tool right now for people to connect. It increases community, cooperation, and collaboration (just like the netspeak chapter says for video games). Twitter is constantly used as a tool for people to donate to any cause that they see fit. For instance, I just donated to a cause from UNHCR. The image below is powerful. There is this adorable child, who is in obvious distress in his situation. Most refugees that have had to come over water have had a troubling time. There have been many people that have gone missing as a result from these tragic waters, and it also leads to dehydration and famine. Instead of having to search for this myself, or having to leave the comfort of my dorm to go out and donate, I was able to find this via twitter in 30 seconds, and was then able to donate a minute later.

I know I’ve reiterated this multiple times, and I’m sure y’all will get tired of my repetition, but doing these challenges continue to drive home this point in my mind. Social Media is on hell of a tool, and it is awesome. I used to think that social media was simply for my friends, and ways for my girlfriends to stalk me. That is not the case. I think people never really realize how useful social media can be if it is used the correct way. Sure, social media can spawn hate and its a tool for people to be cruel to others. But I wholeheartedly believe that there are more positives than negatives. Studies show that volunteering has gone up and donations have gone up since the creation and addition of social media. Everything is so simple to do now because of it, and I think it creates good will in others. If I see my bestie post a link to a place he donated to, and I believe it is a good cause, you are darn right that I will donate to it as well. And I’ve definitely seen people follow this form of thinking and action through Twitter and Facebook.

Thanks for reading. :)
