Blog Entry #5 Eng 107

How Place Matters in my Discipline

               I am a Business major and this discipline matters on different locations throughout the world. A variety of geographical information systems are available such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc. These systems offer new perspectives on strategic decision of business location, by taking the advantage of the power of GIS technology and systems. There is a huge amount of open GIS data and open-source GIS software available to be turned into valuable business information. Another sort of system commonly used is DSS (Decision Support System), this aiming to assist entrepreneurs and managers in the process of location decision making. The DSS developed upon several relevant concepts such as land use, attractiveness, accessibility, cost of space, and agglomerations and enterprises. It was modelled into the GIS software tool, designed to assist entrepreneurs and managers in the location decision making. Minimizing a cost is the key concept of the location theory. The totally cost involves various components such as labor, transport, and cost of business and dealing with areas with big cities we think that mobility is looked at carefully when it comes to employees and materials, rather than the cost of an area. If a person were to open up a business selling a high priced item or items, that would ideally open up that business in high income areas and with selling a product where the cost is cheap, would most likely be located in a low income area and that is where GIS software and the DSS comes in. Using this technology to research areas average incomes of the people who live in certain areas.

The quality control of geographic data, especially from a topological and semantic way of looking at it, is a must for good management and use. While updating this data, there are some sorts of problems when updating data due to non-respect of business or the rules they have to follow back then. In the present and for the most part in the future we are able to use the GIS functionalities and tools to give the possibility of defining the false data. This GIS software is amazing for business owners and future business owners for possibilities on a location.

GIS Business picture for blog #5