Blog Numero Uno

Hey everyone, my name is David Ryland Pressly, although I strongly prefer to go by Ryland. So here are 200 hundred words about myself. I am twenty three years old, and I am an Aquarius. I think I fit the mold of being an Aquarius pretty well and enjoy reading about that kind of stuff. I really like cats, and will probably have like fifty and I’ll live alone in some cabin with all my cats. I like Chipotle and Netflix a lot. My cat (Po-Po) also likes Chipotle and Netflix alot. Coffee and Alcohol make up the other parts of my life, and I really like to dance and party. I’m pretty amazing at tennis and beer pong as well. I like to think I’m pretty talented at multiple things, and as you can tell I’m pretty full of myself. I try not to be, but I don’t try that hard. But, that said, I don’t take myself seriously at all ever so you probably shouldn’t either.

I’m an aspiring English Teacher and Writer. I want to help third world countries and other impoverished nations after I receive my degree. I feel like seeing what other people will go through will change my life. It will also help me teach my future students. I love volunteering, I have on multiple occasions and will continue to do so. Helping and serving people who go through rough patches is a passion.

So, that is all I have right now. I hope to meet and (possibly) have a beer with y’all because this world is full of so many incredible people. If you read this, thanks for listening to my messed up self, and have a fantastic day.
