Blog Participation

1. On a scale of 1-5, how consistent were you with submitting your blog posts in a timely manner?

  • I would rate myself a 5. I submitted all of my blog posts within the proper timeframe. Generally, immediately after watching the episode I would use the notes I took to create my blog post so that it would be turned as soon as possible.

2. On a scale of 1-5, how consistent were you with posting at least one thorough comment on a peer’s blog?

  • In this section I would rate myself a 4. I often took a little longer to post comments. I would often read through a few of them to find one I could agree with or elaborate on.

3. On a scale of 1-5, how well did you integrate class concepts into your posts about the Survivor show?

  • I would rate myself a 5. I made an effort to read each chapter thoroughly before completing the blog post. In doing so, I was able to apply terms and ideas to situations that played out throughout each episode of the competition. It wasn’t difficult for me to integrate the material because I thought it was very relevant to the show and expressed the dynamics of the teams.

4. Please describe what you think your strengths were in regard to blogging and participation.

  • One of my main strengths was that I completed all of the blog posts and comments thoroughly and in a timely manner. I participated every week and I was very descriptive with my answers. Also, I feel that I integrated the material very well according to each chapter and episode assigned.

5. Please describe how you think you could improve on your blogging and participation.

  • In regards to participation, I don’t feel I need to improve at all because I completed all of my assignments on time. However, I think I could have perhaps tried to integrate the material in a more interesting way. This could have been accomplished by using pictures or providing my own personal input on the events that occurred in the chapter rather than just objectively describing them.

6. What did you like about blogging?

  • Overall, I liked the idea of blogging about the Survivor episodes. I had never watched the show prior to this class, and I thought it was a very creative way of analyzing and applying the course material. I felt that through my blogging, I was able to absorb more of the meaning behind the chapter information because it allowed me to understand the subject in a completely new way.

7. What did you dislike about blogging?

  • The only thing I disliked about blogging was that sometimes it was difficult to keep up. Because there was a new episode every week, there was also some confusion at times about which episode to blog about.

8. What suggestions do you have for this assignment in the future?

  • Overall, I enjoyed the assignment as well as watching the show. The only adjustment I would suggest making would be to discuss the course concepts and episode while in class. I think conversing with others about the different interpretations of how the course applied to the episode would be an interesting way to learn more about the material.