Blog post #1

In our previous class on september 12, i felt  was a pleasant way to start the semester it kinda broke the ice between me and other students in the course.It was interesting not only learning about our classmates but being a able to  connect with each other on a real life level. Knowing that we have gone through similar scenarios really made me feel comfortable knowing i was not only the only person feeling nervous about the presentation, but also in life in general. At the beggining i was very anxious to present my presentation because i have always had stage fright but i have to say  i have progressed in the last couple of semesters and i feel more confident.  Overall i like the way the class is being adressed  i feel i have learned more about myself in the last couple of days, topics i never really thought about have me thinking more about my identity for example.Even though i feel i have found my identity at times i feel misplaced in my thoughs and feelings, not knowing how to maybe fix how i feel the past readings made reflect more on this matter of my life. Learning more about myself and others has really reflected on my daily routines and has encouraged me to make changes that not only affect me but the people around me on a daily basis. As the semester goes by i hope i am prosperous in my goals, specially with myself in order to succeed and help others.

The reading assigment for this week were very contraversial they not only open your eyes to reality but go deep into the consequenses. As a minority myself i felt the connection to the readings and i couldn’t help to bethink  that all of this had effected me personally in my education .Chapter 2 and 3 in the book was surprising information that i myself have no idea why i didndt even bother looking into being a subject in both the k-12 system and the No child left behind act. I now know why as a minority not only as a women but also hispanic the school district failed me when it came to my education. I know i am fortunate to be here today but, now for a fact i know the k-12 system i went through lacked classes effective and challenging enough for more basic skills and had sadly to say less expirienced teachers that even today i recall considered watching movies and preparing for testing more important than preparing us for college. I guess it was like the article how we fund our school? stated depending on the property wealth of a community depends the funds they will receive. Also the aricle by perry Mcintosh was a harsh reality that like she said can only be changed if the white starts being conceous about the privileges some of us dont have. But most importantly bringing up white children that dont grow up hating the minority groups because they are different but instead helping them succedd.