Blog Post #1

Hello class, my name is Travis Frohlich, I am from Santa Barbara and I transferred here from Santa Barbara City College studying communications. I am looking forward to this class and one thing I have noticed right away is that the teachers seem awesome which can really make or break a class i’ve learned over the years. This is the first time that I have ever made a website and it has been a process but a good one at that. I haven’t customized it too much due to me being indecisive on a few cosmetic things but I plan to as we work with the site through the semester. I didn’t know what to expect but the videos spoon fed it to me making it very understandable and easy to complete. Im still not too familiar with how to navigate the site so referring back to the helpful videos has been a great tool. I hope to share with my classmates a few things about myself as we post more and more as well as learn about others in the class. Its still a little vague to me as to exactly what we are using this website for but I am sure it will be clear as the semester starts to roll.