blog post #10

#1. From a scale of one to five I would give myself a five since I always did my blogs and finished them and submitted them on time.

#2. I would also give myself a 5 for number 2 since I was sure to post at least one comment of some kind of feedback on my peer’s blogs every week.

#3. For number 3 I would again give myself a five since I would always incorporate at least three key concepts from the text book and I would show how it was shown in that weeks episode of survivor.

#4. I felt that my strengths when doing the blog post were giving good examples of how the concepts in the book related to the show. Also, when it came to participating on my peer’s blog I felt that I always gave them good feedback.

#5. I’f I could improve on my blogging it would be on adding more detail into some of my examples that I blogged on. Also, for improving on the participation I would add just a little more detail when giving them feedback on what I thought about their post.

#6. I liked that I was able to give my own opinion and interpretations of the show and how I thought the text content related to the show.

#7. Sometimes I disliked that the blogging to to much time with watching the show and still having to blog and comment, it took a lot of time.

#8. I think it would be cool i’f the show would change every week. Sometimes survivor would get boring.