blog post 10

1) 4

2) 4

3) 5

4) I enjoy writing critiques of shows or reviews so this was not a particularly painful process for me.  I attempted to delve into the chapter content while not trying to totally regurgitate the plot of each episode.  I believe I did well at making connections between the show and the chapters.

5) Participation on other people’s blogs could have been a little stronger on my part.  Some weeks it was easy to find a good blog to make a comment on while other weeks it was more difficult to find a good blog.

6) I liked reviewing the show. It was a good way to not just focus on whatever the central plot of each episode was for the week.

7) I disliked having to post on other peoples blogs.  It was hard to find detailed posts some weeks that I could really dig into and leave a good meaty response to.

8) In the future maybe you can just make the blog posts related to a particular life experience that happened in the past week.  Or maybe every other week have a news article assignment where everyone finds an article and relates it to the current weeks chapter.