Blog Post 10: Reflection of Blogging and Participation

1. I was very consistent with my blogs. I tried to watch every episode and take notes while watching and then posting my blog before Monday.  So I think I would give myself a 5.

2. I was also very consistent with posting a comment on someone else’s blog. I would always post a comment right after I posted my own post. So once again, I would give myself a 5.

3. At first I did not really understand that we had to connect the episode with the corresponding chapter, I just thought we had to observe how they were as a group and how they interacted with each other. Halfway through the blogs, I finally realized that we were supposed to relate them to the chapters…so I would probably give myself a 3.

4. I think some strengths are that I would always do them on time and add enough detail to actually describe to the reader what had happened in the episode and explaining how the tribe interacted with one another.

5. I could have improved on relating each episode with the corresponding chapter.

6. I liked blogging because it gave us a chance to see everyone’s view and read their thoughts about the episode.

7. I didn’t really like the whole idea of blogging that much because it was kind of stressful with all the other assignments we had to do. If we didn’t have that much work on the computer, I probably would have enjoyed it more.

8. I am not sure, I honestly think doing another activity would really benefit us because I know for a fact a ton of people didn’t even do these blog posts.