Blog post 10 This is not the End.

Here is my self reflection on and about the blog(s).

Question 1: Scale to 1-5 how diligent was I on the blogging.

I would say 5. Not to be just out there but I personally know i don’t do well on tests. So I do my best on my assignments I kept doing every blog from the beginning every sat or sunday depending when time permitted me to. This would be under Blog 11. but since i did 10 episodes of survivor and such i decided this would be just yet another blog.

Question 2: How diligent was I on responding to other people’s blog

I would give a 4. I replied mostly right after I did mine. There may be one or two missing since here has been ramshambles of assignments I had to do to keep everything up to date. And I personally Loved this assignment. At first I was a bit annoyed but after episode 2 blog I started to realize that if i swap this as a task into a communal thinking i could see how others saw my blog as and how they thought of the episode and my thoughts. IT was a very I would call Sly but funny method of teaching . GG/GJ (good game/ good job)

Question 3: How well and much did i combined class concepts to the show.

I would give a 3 under the teaching standards. I integrated them yes but I used what I have learned and what the book said and tried to reason why certain outcomes of the show became the way it has been and predicting with that new outcome what could be the next. I think I had too much fun with this part of the blogging and even surprised me that one episode did not go too well with one the chapters so it was a huge hammering on my brain but so far I think it was decent reflection. Personally I would give myself a 4. but I wouldn’t say it otherwise.

Question 4-8 (since all of them basically talk about what i liked, disliked, strength, improvement etc.)

this is a 5. I liked the assignment. Sure I admit it was a drag to watch survivor for first two episodes and I had things like Astro projects, Comm 210 projects and assignments, English essay….and SURVIVOR WHAT IN THE WORLD?! IN COLLEGE? But then there were more meanings behind this assignment. Once I managed to get others done and focus on this it was ….a game. Just another game. I am used to blog posting because I have to post, dedication, to my youtube channel and all but I never imagined things people have said about the episode without doing this nor what they thought the chapter or how it ties in their way. What I did not like is the fact that I couldn’t really focus on this all the time. Other technologies came in, more projects and essays and exams it was something I could just think lightly of which then again did not do because of how important chapters were.

Improvement: their is none. This assignment has no shape. We as a community, forced or not, shaped this assignment. We shared our thoughts about the episode and the chapter. TO IMPROVE is to fix and if you chip away a sculpture we made that is not fixing that is destroying.

Suggestions: SImple suggestion is this. Make it as an assignment but also instruct the new comers that this is where we share what we have learned and each opinion and episode matters because without this function of communication I believe people would not have shared their opinions about anything at all.