Blog Post #2

Episode 3: On this week’s episode of Survivor tensions were at an all time high, it also lined up with chapter 3 pretty nicely. Everyone is starting to find their current roles as a member of their own teams. John did mess up pretty substantially in this episode by going back on is word with Jeremy and then admitting his alliance to him in from to f the entire cast.

According to Benne and Sheats Functional Group Roles he can be seen as a self-centered role. He doesn’t really display any efforts for the better for his group and instead jeopardizes the team dynamic as a result. He fits under he role of a recognition seeker, under this model. Even in past episodes he tries to display his strength or empathy towards the other members. However he never really gets anything done as a result he just wants all eyes on himself.

Another role that somebody took on was Reed. Also in Chapter 3, but under Belbin’s Team Role Theory he took on the role of the innovator. He stepped up to the plate for his team by going out of the comfort zone and show some creativity for trying to trade John’s flint for his beans.

Another role I noticed from this latest episode was Baylor. She knew that she was only a vote away from getting kicked off the island in the last episode. She became the implementer in her group, she talked down about John in a persuasive way and was pretty tactically in doing so. We’ll see if it helped in the next episode.

As for Natalie I’m not sure what role she is, but she seemed crazy for screaming her opinions about how the other team should vote John off. Maybe the way she approached that will effect her or John later.