blog post #2 actions vs accusations

In the third episode actions vs. accusations the show started off with both teams arguing and showing who were the possible targets for the episode but I felt like this episode focused more on the Coyopa tribe. Right away I thought that the control need was shown with John and Baylor because both were trying very hard to be allies with the rest of their tribe and they were so confident that they would side with them. I thought that John and Baylor also showed the inclusion need because they  both were worried that  their was a possibility that they could be the next one eliminated. Their was defiantly a lot more of an attempt to take control of the group in coyopa’s  tribe then in Hanahpu but I think that’s just because Hanahpu has won all of the challenges so their really isn’t that much stress or tension in Hanahpu’s tribe.

Even though John and Baylor both act like the autocrat by dominating the group’s choice to vote one another out I was very surprised that in the end the tribe ended up voting out John.  When Coyopa lost the second challenge in the episode and John started talking back it instantly made him the under-personal one of the group. At that point everyone really didn’t like him or saw a need to keep him around even though he was the athletic one of the group. Unlike John I thought  that Jeremy was the over-personal one of Hanahpu because everything that guy does seems to give  him more status in his group. Also, when Jeremy won the last challenge of the episode everyone was so caught up celebrating about it that no one really seems to see that his reasons are not for the greater good of the tribe, its just ensure more time for himself. Over all, this episode revealed  a lot more of the groups dynamics and whether they were headed in the right path or down a steep slope.