Blog post 3

Last weeks class started off with julian engaging us in a interesting activity which was a letter to our future self. I found it kinda odd at first because i have never really wrote anything down to myself but, i found that it was a reminder to myself of why i am here and what my goals are in order to succeed. After we did a activity in groups the activity of the no child left behind questions was for me a step back in time and a reminder of how this seemed to affect only minority groups.  Not only did i grow up with the child left behind act but i feel it stayed with me and till this day affects me on a daily basis. I hope this act soon is soon abolished or replaced with a more realistic goal that actually thinks about is children and how it will affect them for the rest of their lives not just a school year. Next  really enjoyed learning about supreme court cases that have changed African Americans life’s for better and sadly how even now they still fight for rights.

The readings for this week were very eye opening i personally had no idea that an estimated forty four percent  of African Americans are illiterate. Living in america in a society that tends to call itself perfect compared to others i never thought the united states would have so many people without the american opportunity that we all seek,  in my opinion it includes writing and reading. Going back to 1641 when the Virginia courts made the distinction between whites and blacks every time i think about this i feel anger because did people not realize African Americans were human too? i guess this just blows my mind how can their be such heartless individuals. I say heartless because as i read i also read about blacks being separated from their newborns so they wont form attachments with each other, something we see today done to animals.  I guess that is  what they were considered to these slave holders, nothing but profit similarly like the caves today in the milk industry. As i read a quote mentioned by martin Luther king really caught my eye “psychological freedom a firm sense of self esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery no lincolniam emaciation or johnsonian civil rights bill can totally bring this kind of freedom” besides being so inspiring i not only see why he was such a great leader bu,t he knew that in order to succeed and defeat racism they had to convince themselves first that it was possible and that all the suppression they faced should not affect the way they see themselves and  like the white men are worthy of being free.