Blog Post #3

Part I

Last week I got really sick so i wasn’t able to make it to class. I was bummed out because i really enjoy going to class, ever since the first day I see things differently regarding diversity in America. My eyes were opened to realized how privilege I am for being where i am, when there are people out there expecting me not to make it. With the readings we read every week, i have a new perspective about ethnicity and those who are discriminated or doubted everyday.


Part II

My one word I chose was “Proud”. Proud because i am relive to see African Americans putting effort to have a good life. African Americans are one of the ethnicity that are discriminated the most. They are expected to fail, be poor, and be criminals. African Americans shouldn’t be seen this way because they have dreams of achieving in life just like any other human being. In my history class I actually had to read the book, “The life of Frederick Douglas”, reading that book was powerful because he explained everything he went through as a slave back when African Americans where treated like animals rather than humans. Despite the fact that African Americans aren’t supported by the community, they still have the courage and desire to keep going and reach for the stars. For that I am proud because they are not giving up. Rates of African American graduating high schools and colleges are going up. Change is happening.