Blog Post #3

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to attend class last week. I came down with pneumonia (definitely no the greatest feeling ever). So in the best interest of the class, I did not go in order to avoid getting the entire class sick (you’re welcome). I’m sure I missed what was an interesting discussion. I was pretty bummed out considering I know I missed a lot. But reading your posts about Friday is really helpful! Thanks guys!

I am only going to say this once and make it clear, although I identify with a white race and hispanic ethnicity it is because of all the nonsense paperwork we have to fill out and are forced to choose a race and ethnicity. In reality there is only one race and that is the “human race”. That leads me to my next point, the word I chose after I read the readings is “change”. Why you ask? I strongly believe there still needs to be change. Yes, we have come a long way when it comes to the acceptance of African Americans in society, but honestly I feel a lot of it is masked. We keep saying we have moved forward, but I think fore several years it will continue being this way. Possibly another century or so there will be more equality. Yes I see how small things have progressed in the Jenkins reading. African American have had it tough and have been seen as almost animals, but like I said. The reason I chose the word change is because I’ve seen change and I’d like to see things keep changing for the good. Every culture is different, but sometimes it’s sickening to read so much comparison to “whites”. I’ve been reading the same kind of  stories since I was in elementary. I remember doing projects and reports.The fact that their is still writings like that even now means we haven’t gotten very far. Yes, we have had significant advances in equality and education for African Americans, but when will the comparison stop? That is what I would like to know. I want to see a day when people won’t be JUDGED because of the color of their skin. I’d much prefer people be admired for their differences.