Blog Post #4 – Assumptions and Styles

As you reflect on the assumptions of Theory X and Y, how would you describe your own philosophy of leadership?

My philosophy of leadership lands in-between the X and Y spectrum of leadership. I am extremely goal oriented and I make sure to accomplish my tasks, responsibilities and goals. In leadership positions I am the type of person to try to motivate others as well to achieve. But work means nothing without the relational and social aspect to accompany it. In a leadership role I would also try to help people be comfortable with their surroundings and situations. In life it is important to always find a balance and that is no different in regards to leadership styles.

Of the three styles of leadership, what style comes easiest for you?  Describe how people respond to you when you use the style.

The authoritarian style comes easiest to me because of my own drive and determination to accomplish tasks. I think my diligent nature and goal oriented characteristics relate more to the authoritarian style. Also because I take my work seriously sometimes I expect others to do so as well which I believe also relates more the the authoritarian style.

One of the aspects of democratic leadership is to help subordinates take responsibility for themselves.  How do you assess your own ability to help others help themselves?

One way to have subordinates willingly work on their own is by developing relationships with them. The more that followers respect you and the more likable you are, plays a crucial impact on subordinates and the influence that you can have on them. If you show them that you are invested in them then they will invent in you. This is one area which I definitely can improve on is the democratic leadership style. I need to do a better job in creating relationships with people. Because of my introvert nature people might tend to think that I don’t value other people or their ideas. I could work on being more open and vocal which goes a long way in becoming an effective leader.

List three specific activities you could use to improve your leadership style.

1. Becoming more vocal and engaging. Sociability is an important trait to carry. Leadership classes could help with this.

2. Being more active in the community.

3. Keep educating myself on leadership. Reading books, articles, etc. in order to better myself. Also being responsible and being disciplined in my daily life can make me a better leader.