Blog Post #5

In  last week’s class Julian went over common mistakes made when writing APA and MLA formats and how sometimes little mistakes can really affect the overall of our papers. I think this was very refreshing because even though we are college students i feel that i tend to forget the difference sometimes because we don’t always focus on writing, so when we do i have to look back at my notes to remind myself. Also when it comes to our reference page mistakes a commonly made like not tabbing the last 2 parts of a reference which by the way i did last week before the Friday class in one of my other classes. After we finished last weeks discussion which i learned about and really made me think differently about African american men in particular, for example by apartment their is a Halloween store that just opened and  i current help to notice that they hired black men to advertise in the street with those giant signs making me think differently then before they really are not lazy they are just discriminated till this day. Next we continued with the readings that focused on Latinos which i also thought was interesting how in a way both African american and Latino articles were similar even though both ethnicity’s see each other very differently and don’t like to be compared to each other. When we eventually got into random groups to discuss our experiences as Latino students and life i was placed in a interesting scenario myself, Sydney and Beth had a good vibe overall but somehow we found it a little difficult to connect because i was the only latina in the group that was capable of relating to the articles. I personally didn’t want to be egocentric  and make them feel uncomfortable by just talking about myself and my culture, so i found myself small talking at times to avoid the actual conversation.

This weeks readings were really fascinating i never thought about disabled people as a minority ever. The articles really made me realize that they are part of a minority group not only are they challenged on a everyday basis like Latinos. African Americans and Asians but they also at times choose to change who they to fit in at points choosing to hide their disability. I really enjoyed the article What do disabilities have to do with diversity? it thought me a lot and also made me change how i act towards disabled individuals. I never realized that they are like everyone else and don’t want to be treated differently because of their disability. but like everyone else i stereotyped even disabled individuals and treated them differently. I never did it intentionally but i guess maybe that the reason me and a disabled fall in the same category as a minority because others just assume without even knowing the history or what really is a fact.Another article had a statistic i thought was surprising was Students with disabilities doing what’s right, pointed out that students with disabilities represent only 9 percent of students making it clear to me that not only my people need to be pushed to follow a higher education but also the ones we don’t really pay attention to that actually need extra help the disabled.


I choose this image because i think that we need to really come together with others that have disabilities in order to help each other out because they are part of the minority as well.