Blog Post 5

Survivor Blog #5 Listening Chapter 7
In episode 5 the tribes are changed completely. No more blood versus blood! The blue tribe is made up of mostly singles and the orange tribe is made up of mostly blood. So Dale is the lone one in the orange tribe and Reed and Josh are the only couple on the blue tribe. In Chapter seven they talk about the importance of listening and speaking. From watching the show I’ve got a pretty good idea of who’s more of a listener and who’s more of a speaker.
Before the tribe mix up it was clear that Josh was more of a leader and speaker for the orange tribe. He made the alliances and people respected what he had to say. Being a speaker benefited him. For Reed I noticed that he didn’t speak as much, but stayed in a safe zone by listening to people. This also benefited him. Now that they are together however their balance of both listening and speaking could benefit them BUT they are the only couple on that tribe.
For Drew who got voted off last, he was too much of a speaker and did not see how people were interrupting him which got him voted off.
One big part of Episode five that connected with this chapter was when Baylor and her mom were making the rice for the tribe and were trying to figure out how many scoops to use. Baylor and her mom both agreed to add more scoops however Dale thought they shouldn’t use more, that they were going to run out if they used so much. All three of them started to get frustrated since they disagreed. This demonstrates Gender Differences in listening greatly. The book says usually men focus more on content while women focus more on relationships. The girls Missy and Baylor were more annoyed with Dale for telling them what to do, while all Dale was doing was focussing on the content of the situation and what was smart. It was a perfect example of listening differences.
Claire Campagna Comm220-02