Blog post #5





Part 1

Julian’s discussion about the APA format was very helpful. He came into the rescue because i was curious about the right way to cite my resources and using the right format for my future papers that i have to do. Julian’s presence and discussion are helpful and i like how we learn something new from him every meeting. I also like how he is very patient with us and takes the time to explain things very well for us and giving us his own examples. He would make a great English teacher! After Julian s activity we started a new one where we got into groups and went around answering questions and how we relate to them. In my group, it was Vanessa, Ana, and me, the other Ana,. We all related to each other in answering these questions and felt that schools should take Latinos more into consideration like having more programs and allowing more Latinos to join certain clubs and feel accepted. We also related very well to Torres article about our parents having  a hard time accepting our new generations and our new traditions. Mostly everyone in class agreed that we all want to make our parents happy by continuing in school and not giving up.

Part 2

This weeks article were surprising. I didn’t really feel that disable students had trouble getting through education. I always felt like they were the ones that were helped out most. I can relate to Macune, sometime i encounter myself with an disable student and i don’t know how to treat them. Instead the most obvious thing to do is to smile and be nice to them and give them a hand if they need it. The story about Susan, Matthew, and Ruth, were great examples about how students should reach out for help. Like my mom says, if you never open your mouth and ask for help no one is never going to know what you need. I feel that they did the right thing asking for help for better understanding in class. Some people or disable students are too shy or too scared to ask for help. But little do they know that they are very well protected and supported. There are many programs in school and outside of school that help disable students. I feel that they come first, because apart from dealing with their desirableness they are also going through the struggle of getting educated. The statistics in the article Doing Whats Right, it states that ore and more disable students are graduating and achieving good jobs. That’s the reason why i chose to upload this picture. This picture has ABEL all over the handicap person, and able means possible. This picture should motivate the disable to not give up, and that anything is possible if they put their mind to it and seek help.
