Blog Post # 5

Last week, I was very thankful that Julian did that powerpoint. I have written so many papers and honestly I think my writing has gotten worse, not because I don’t practice, but each professor I have had has always wanted something different when it came to writing my papers. So, honestly, I have always been confused now when I write my papers and the formatting. Afterwards, I enjoyed being able to discuss with each other in small groups and rotate around the classroom. I happened to be in a group where we all had similarities or the same views. It would make us to laugh especially when we spoke about our parents.


This weeks readings only slightly surprised me. Mainly because I can relate to a certain level even though my experience was not as difficult as others so I can only imagine. Sometimes people with disabilities happen to have it worse than other minority groups, now imagine being in a minority group and being disabled. Talk about bad luck. What I happen to notice in society now is that people do not have tolerance for people that are disabled, I first hand have seen people disgusted or annoyed.

I have a cousin that is disabled and is sometimes constrained to a wheel chair for multiple hours at a time. Now, this is a very different situation as to another disabled person who may be disabled mainly from their limbs. He suffers from what i’ll call a mental “setback”. He is fully capable of walking and running around, but he suffers from a speech impairment along with other things, I say this because they haven’t been able to give a true diagnosis. Now, whenever we take him places he wants to be on his own, which is great, but reality is we can’t leave him alone, he will run away and you won’t be able to catch him. He is extremely hyperactive. This is where his wheelchair comes in. When we take him places in the chair (he is 13) people stare constantly and occasionally he will throw a fit because he does not want to be confined to it, this causes people to start saying horrible things about him. People have low patience for him because they do not understand his disability and he has gotten hit at school for it.


Now in relation to being physically disabled I have two small partial experiences. I had dislocated my knee once and I was confined to not walking and in a brace that covered my whole leg  for 3 months. It is so hard to get around! People wouldn’t even help me if my stuff fell on the floor or if I hurt myself in some way, I would just get blank stares. Imagine, if that wasn’t even that severe how other people suffer?

I had a small accident a couple years ago when I lost my vision for 2 straight days. Even being blind apparently bothers people. Put it this way, I got so annoyed being ignored constantly that I ended up confining myself in a room for 2 days without eating. I was on a trip and I couldn’t eat cause nobody wanted to be with me, heck what if there was a fly in a my food! ew!