blog post #5 chapter 7

In the episode “Make Some Magic Happen” it starts with the contestants being shocked that Kelly was the one who was last voted of the island. So since Kelly was voted out it changed the dynamic of the tribe. Dale was obviously upset that his tribe “slaughtered” his daughter and I wasn’t surprised that it lead to his hidden agenda. I thought that that Jon was showing empathtic listening with Dale because Jon realized what Dale’s situation and motives were about offering Jon his idol if he wasn’t eliminated next. Also, I thought that Reed and Josh were listening to interpret with each other because of how emotional they got with each other when it came winning the challenge for their team. You could really see how they were responding to each other emotionally after Reed came out victorious.

In the Hanahpu tribe things were not going well with their supply of rice pretty much gone. So they had asked to make some sort of a deal with the host Jeff. When Jeff shows up Julie instantly is showing listening to respond because she shows a sign of being worried as soon as Jeff shows up and he asks her why she was worried and she had to explain why. After that situation happened I thought that Jeremy was analytically listening to Jeff unlike the other members of his tribe because Jeremy seemed to be the only one who was really upset about Jeff taking all of their comfort supplies. It seems like to me Jeremy was the only one who was really thinking about if it was a good idea to make that trade. At the end of this episode I honestly wasn’t surprised to see Dale’s plan back fire and I wasn’t shocked when he was voted off of Survivor. I thought the Coyopa tribe had played him beautifully and it was pretty funny to see Dales face when he was kicked off. I hope the future episodes have a lot of drama in them like this one did.