Blog Post #5 Chapter 7. Listening In Groups

In the episode “Make Some Magic Happen”  both groups cant believe that Kelley was eliminated from the Coyopa tribe. Dale made up an immunity idol and his hidden agenda was to tell Jon that if he convinces the group to not eliminate him then he would give Jon his immunity idol. That is how empathic listening was brought to this situation. Listening to interpret came up when Reed and Josh were both kissing and being emotional when Reed won the challenge.The tribe was not doing well when they started complaining that they didn’t have enough food to continue the competition.

The host Jeff is walking towards the Hanahpu tribe and he is ready to give the group a bag of rice in exchange of something.  Listen to respond comes up when July shows a shrug of fear when she doesn’t know what Jeff will say about the bag of rice. I thought that July had every right to fear what was coming because Jeff is going by the rules. When Jeremy is using analytical listening he  sees how everyone in his tribe is happy that Jeff took all their comfort supplies he is angry because he didn’t mind passing one more day of hunger. Jeremy thought that in the future challenges their would be opportunities for more food. I thought that Jeremy was being selfish because other people in his tribe where not capable of passing hunger for one more day like he was. This episode showed how these groups came together to win each challenge even if some of them didn’t like each other.