Blog Post #5- Tasks and Relationships

As you reflect on what has been discussed in this chapter and your own leadership style, how would you describe your own style in relation to task and relationship orientations?What are your strengths and areas you can improve?

The textbook provides a task-relationship  leadership continuum, which places both types of leadership orientation at opposite ends. The continuum depicts the gap that lies between the two, however in my opinion I agree with what the book states; most leaders fall midway. Which is where I feel like I fall in. My style is dependent on the situation. When the situation asks for it I can be very task oriented, very much like the definition that is found in the text. I keep everything very organized, create to do lists,  in occasions assign roles and schedules. By doing so i feel like time is spent in a productive manner and everything is finished in a timely manner. On the other hand I can on occasions focus my efforts in trying to make sure that the work atmosphere is “pleasant”. I feel like my strengths within these different types of leadership orientations show up when the outcome of the situation is positive. Areas where I can work on, would be choosing the middle ground. Meaning that although I don’t consider myself to be strictly on either of the two ends, I need to be able to better combine the two so that I don’t show any preference on any given situation/scenario. Sometimes I am so focused on doing things a certain way that I don’t attempt to include any other method.

Reflect on the article. What were the most interesting elements? Which did you did you agree with? Hope to learn more about?

A pattern that I found in the article was that for the most part the outcome of the questionnaire resulted in the preference of virtual settings rather than face to face settings. It was interesting to read how the preference in part had to do with communication. One of the questions in the survey had to do with the communication capabilities the leaders had with the team members. Those taking the survey agreed that through virtual communication it would be beneficiary to everyone to fully understand what was being expected of them, because it was easier to accommodate to everyone and get a clear and concise explanation that everyone would understand. I agree with this aspect. In part because it does allow for a clearer understanding and help minimize misunderstandings in communications. Mainly because everything is clearly stated for everyone to read, because it is in a written format and because you get the same message to everyone. Although it is not the best practice to enforce in all settings, simply because some individuals  do better with face to face interactions.  Something that I would like to read up on or learn more about would be practices in which you can do half and half. Incorporate both virtual and face to face interactions practices (similar to our class setting)as well as outcomes.